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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) 2011 Recruitment

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Accepting CVs for 2011 Recruitment
Guaranty Trust Bank plc is a leading Nigerian bank with a corporate banking bias and strong service culture that has led to consistent year on year growth in the bank’s clientele base and financial indices.
From the early 1990s the bank has tirelessly set the pace for other Nigerian financial institutions in terms of service quality, product functionality and excellent customer service. The bank has also created exceptional value for its shareholders through consistent dividend payouts and bonus issues, remaining one of the few
institutions in Nigeria that pays dividends twice a year and presents its financials using both Nigerian GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).
Guaranty Trust Bank plc has a double A minus risk rating from Fitch Rating, a triple A rating (AAA) and a double B minus rating from Standard and Poors. The bank also has an ISO 9001:2000 certification from the International Standards Organisation (ISO) and is the only Nigerian bank to have been the subject of business and brand reviews by Harvard and Cranfield Business Schools.Guaranty Trust Bank plc operates from over 160 business offices in Nigeria with several bank and non-bank subsidiaries spread across Anglophone West Africa and the UK. Through these, the bank is able to meet the growing needs of its customer in areas of banking, insurance, mortgage, asset management and other sectors outside the realm of traditional banking.
Submit Your CV
We heard Guaranty Trust Bank Plc is currently accepting Cvs. If you are a graduate you can submit your resume online by CLICKING HERE.
Note: There is no listed vacancy but you stand a chance of being called for interview after which successful candidates will undergo a Training Programme.